Isaac Blessed Jacob: Fulfilling God Divine Plan

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Discover the profound biblical account of Isaac blessing his son Jacob, a pivotal moment that fulfills God divine plan. Unveil the significance of blessings, family dynamics, and divine intervention, ..

Isaac Blessed Jacob: Fulfilling God Divine Plan

The biblical story of Isaac blessing his son Jacob is a crucial moment in the history of the chosen people, embodying the fulfillment of God divine plan for the patriarchs. This event, documented in the book of Genesis, signifies the passing of the covenant and blessings from one generation to the next. Let us explore this sacred narrative, understanding the significance of blessings and the role they played in God design. 

Isaac Age and Failing Sight

In Genesis 27, we find Isaac, the son of Abraham, reaching old age and losing his eyesight. Realizing his time was drawing near, Isaac decided to bless his eldest son, Esau, following the custom of passing on the family blessings.

Genesis 27:1-2

"When Isaac was old and his eyes were so weak that he could no longer see, he called for Esau his older son and said to him, 'My son.' 'Here I am,' he answered."

Rebekah Deception

Isaac wife, Rebekah, overheard this plan and devised a scheme to secure the blessing for their younger son, Jacob. Rebekah dressed Jacob in Esau clothes and covered his hands and neck with goatskins to imitate Esau hairy skin. 

Genesis 27:5-6

"Now Rebekah was listening as Isaac spoke to his son Esau. When Esau left for the open country to hunt game and bring it back, Rebekah said to her son Jacob, 'Look, I overheard your father say to your brother Esau...'"

Jacob Receives the Blessing

Guided by his mother, Jacob approached Isaac, and after a brief exchange, Isaac bestowed the blessings meant for Esau upon Jacob, unaware of the deception. He blessed Jacob with prosperity, dominion over his brother, and the promise of descendants.

Genesis 27:27-29

"So he went to him and kissed him. When Isaac caught the smell of his clothes, he blessed him and said, 'Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that the Lord has blessed. May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness— an abundance of grain and new wine.'"

Realization and Blessing for Esau

Soon after, Esau returned and discovered the deception. Despite his distress, Isaac blessed Esau, albeit with a different blessing.

Genesis 27:39-40

"Your dwelling will be away from the earth’s richness, away from the dew of heaven above. You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother. But when you grow restless, you will throw his yoke from off your neck."


Isaac blessing, intended for Esau, ended up being bestowed upon Jacob, in fulfillment of God divine plan. This event shaped the course of their lives and the destiny of the nation, underlining the significance of God guidance and the role of blessings in the unfolding of His purpose.

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